I loved your page it's so perfect, but I do have some things to
disagree with you on, aside from MANY agreements.
First of all I was introduced to DBZ by Funimation, now that I have this
off of my chest I'll continue on how I got into it. One day I got up
early to go to church, when I saw a show with a little boy with a tail
and some girl with Aqua hair and some pig trying to find an orange ball
from some ugly little blue guy, allright I guess (could never figure out
what her name was, sounded like bOUmaa)Then a friend told me about DBZ, every one grew up and there were new characters (from US mentality)
so the firs eps I got in were the last couple of Eps of the first
season, I thougt it was cool, then Mom saw Gohan turn Oozaru and said "
what are you wathing" (parenteese for "I don't like this turn it off
and never watch it again" which came litterally a few minutes later,
I'm 17 BTW) a few months later I tried to get into the show again, got
the same last 2 episodes, so I started to tape them them, the new
season came around and I never got to see the first episodes, but I was
introduced to something I didn't see in the first 4 I had seen, this was
the OTHER DIMENSION!!!!( pause for profuse vommitting) I cringed hearing
it, when I knew this was covering up death in the show (to characters
that I've never even seen yet). I was still hooked by the surprisingly
unique and preserved plot (Sailor Moon was tranformed into a "Power
Rangers for girls" aside form a few episodes that had an ongoing plot)I
continued to watch weekly as I began to realize about 3 weeks later "
are these episodes REALLY that neccessary" (Ie the invisible ship and
fake Namek story lines). Eventually I began to read into the the
backgrong of the show and Manga and started to notice severe and minor
differences (those eps weren't neccessary after all). Later I came
across a buddy who had some of the movies on tape (the ones I have
re-named the 3 Super Saiyans [yes I spell it like that cause that's how
it's spelled on the Super Batle toy box] and the Fusion movies for easy
understanding reference among new fan friends) I was now introduced to
the original series, so to speak.
The first thing that stuck out to me (aside form the language, duh)
was the theme, I had no real problem with Rock the Dragon (I kinda
liked the guitar version they have in the closing) I was awestruck at
the songs "uppetiness" and positive sound to an overall fighting
oriented show, it just hit me. Then I heard the voices, Son Goku
passed off as sounding odd and childish (in the orig. don't shoot me)
but I found that other voices were pretty much similar to the originals
(I liked the similarity of the Oolongs, but noticed a very different
Freeza, but yet, I had no animosity toward the US voice as some people
tho). The next thing I noticed was that the names were about 95% same or
slightly altered to fit the American voice actors ignorance. Like
Kuririn becam Krillin, which, I've heard some real unneccessary
complaining toward this, sounds almost exactly like the original (In the
Movie that introduces Kooler, Gohan says "hai Kuririn-san" the way he
says this sounds EXACTLY like Krillin), even tho Tenshinhan has become
Tien (the Voice actor for US Chao-zu purposely slurrs the IE in the
name to make it sound like "Ten", if this is not purposefully, it's one
hell of a coincidence) It's no biggie (to me any ways, I personnally
have trouble saying Tenshinhan). The next thing I noticed was the BGM,
which (IMHO) sounded kinda out of place in some sequences, but perfect
in others (I think this is due to reuseable music causing restraints on
how and when to use it, I've seen this thousands of time on the Orig.
Sailor Moon)I liked the upbeat song playing in the Prologue of the
"Fusion movie (12)".
I don't have to mention the censorships, that some are sooooooo obvious
even to someone who doesn't know better (even tho some are flawless,
like the covering of of Recoome's (excuse the reference) butt in the
last few episodes on the 2nd season). And that @&%$#@!!!!in ANOTHER
DIMENSION stuck out like a sore thumb !!!!!! (I have regretably heard a
kid correct my younger brother by saying " No, Vegeta SENT HIM TO ANTHER
DIMENSION!!!!!" he really said this, the brainwashing works, unfortunately).
Now about the voices, I think Ian Corlett should be worshipped, along
with Scott McNeil, in fact most of the voices don't really annoy me
the way they do with people who know better, aside form Dodoria and
Vegeta's (BTW when he thinks to himself his voice is much calmer and a
lot less forced which gives me the impression that Vegeta, the person
himself, is putting on this forced voiced act, this is all in the US
version, I found that interesting, but then I realized that he should
speak with that voice always)
The blotting and covering, ok, I understand the neccessity of censoring
some scenes, but really, I'm positive In Rugrats the characters (
babies) have walked around Nude for a whole episode (granted they had
their crotches slightly below camera, but Butts graced the screen about
45% of the ep) but some stuff is atrocious (the whole "beer? that stuff
is no good" seemed like "ok insert moral of episode here!" and some
time they mention Blood, and sometimes we see some of it, but to blot
it completely out is absolutely lying to the audience (I don't have to
go into the Other dimension, that stands out on it's own.)
I have nothing against the American version, it introduced me to the
show, but now that I know better, I want others to know better too. Fix
DBZ please or it'll just get worse!
- Cristian Alvernaz PS I think that Cell should be voiced by Micheal Dorn , that would RULE, I hope they get Trunks right. And long live the US movies!!!!!!! (and
get back Ian Corlett)
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