Some call it multiple personality disorder, but I just think it means
I'm "special." Anyhow, here are the ways the various side of me feel
about DBZ in the USA.
The Optimist's Outlook:
As hated as American DBZ is, I believe that it ultimately
accomplishes its goal. Simply put, it brings DBZ to more people
much more easily than fansubs and the International Channel ever
will. I know I would have never heard of Dragon Ball Z unless it had
come on Cartoon Network one day after school, and I'm sure the story
is the same for many others out there. I'm sure the blood and music
are nice in the original, and sure, I understand the aesthetic
reasoning behind the "voices controversy," but really, I believe that
the most important part of DBZ, the story, has remained largely
intact. As for the re-runs, they're tolerable; after all, I don't
think I'll ever get bored of this show, plain and simple.
The Pessimist's Outlook:
American DBZ is kiddie trash. I cannot describe it with any other
word than "crap." Well, that's not entirely true; "travesty" also
comes to mind. FUNimation has taken a true pop-culture masterpeice
and mutilated it into little more than a shiny new vehicle for cereal
commercials. DBZ has been raped and gutted to absurd levels, and for
what? So Saban won't get sued by the "Fanatic Irresponsible
Christian Soccer-Moms of Oceania Parental Action Group?" So
FUNimation can showcase it's awful digital painting techniques? So
some two-bit Canadian voice actors who should be homeless winos right
now can be allowed to screw up what the characters are really
saying? Or is it just because a good dub of American DBZ could be
too successful? I think all of these are true. When FUNimation
bastardized our beloved DBZ into it's current form (I like to call it
"Dragon Ball on Xanex,") they doomed it to being dismeissed as a
goofy kid's show where all the characters have big eyes. It will
NEVER be taken seriously in the American public, never. The point of
all this is that the censors, whether they be from FUNimation or
Saban or whatever, stepped WAY over the line. I suppose they had to
cut out some langauge and violence; but what about the other edits,
like the music and "the next dimension?" They wanted a succesful and
popular cartoon, and to get it they turned a really good anime into
another peice of American tripe with crappy dialogue. That is
bullshit, my friends. Pure commie bullshit.
The Realist's Outlook:
Okay, so American DBZ is subdued and the music sucks. We're still
seeing it and, that's better than nothing. But not by much. The
truly sad thing is that American DBZ could have been so much better
than it is, but it's just not. For a cartoon like DBZ, even if it
was totally undedited, to be widely popular among audiences over
twelve in America would be setting a precedent which I doubt we are
ready for. It would take a whole hell of a lot more muscle than
FUNimation has to propel DBZ to prime time, which is the only place
where a near-uncut DBZ could be aired. It's not going to happen,
plain and simple. But so what? Cartoon Network is now very commited
to DBZ, and Cartoon Network is also fairly liberal. What does that
mean? It means that Season Three will be better, if not because of
Cartoon Network's girth, then because of FUNimation's opportunity to
learn from it's mistakes on Seasons One and Two. Hey, we might even
get lucky with Freeza's new voice. Anything can happen. Anything.
- Davis Scott