"Enma-sama mo Bikkuri Ano yo de 'Fight'"
(Enma-sama is Also Surprised -- The Fight Continues in the Next World) |
89-6-7 |
"Goku's Unusual Journey" |
96-10-4 |
As Raditz lies dying, he lets his adversaries in on a little secret. His scouter has been monitoring this entire event, and two extremely powerful Saiya-jin will be on their way soon. Kame-sennin, Kuririn, and Buruma arrive at the scene just as Goku takes his last breath. His body vanishes, and Goku finds himself in Heaven, where he is told that he must cross a treacherous 10,000 mile path in order to train with a god named Kaiou. Goku starts his journey immediately, and Piccolo takes Gohan for his own special brand of training.
Pretty standard episode, except for a dialogue mistranslation/ommision that really annoyed me, and another one that really impressed me.
English episode 4 continued
(1 min.) Piccolo puts his cape back on, while the group discusses what has happened to Goku. And by the way, when Kuririn pulls the scouter off of Raditz' dead body, we actually see him taking it off in the Japanese version. In the English one, we just hear it. "Eeew, here..." I'm actually surprised that they even implied the idea that there was a dead body lying there. I would have thought that they would simply cut this scene altogether, and that Buruma would just have the scouter in hand all of a sudden.
Goku says to the blue guy: "It's not Kung fu, it's the Kame Sennin style of martial arts." Cool! This is probably the only time the words "Kame Sennin" will ever be said in the English version, and it sure was nice to hear.
It's funny, they got the name of the martial art right in the TV dub (only once, but hey) and in the subtitled 2nd movie, the subtitles translate "Kame Sennin" as simply "martial arts." Who would have thought that the dubbed TV show would actually be MORE accurate at one point than the subtitled movie??
Oh and by the way, Kame Sennin is the name of both the martial art, AND the old man. (Along with Mutenroshi, Jackie Chun, and probably a few others...)
(1 min. 25 sec.) Chichi, worried about her men, calls the Kame house and gets the answering machine. Meanwhile, Gyuumaou is playing with the toy car he brought for Gohan, while Chichi has a few horrified thoughts about what might have befallen her son. "Was he eaten by a shark? Stranded on an island with nothing to eat?" Pretty funny scene.
A picture from this scene is available in Gallery 4
(41 sec.) Just after Piccolo drops Gohan in the water to wake him up, Gohan starts running, well swimming, around, crying for his father, and saying that he is scared. Since this was cut in the English version, it kind of looks funny: we see Gohan get tossed in the water, and in the very next shot he is suddenly out of it, as if the water instantly disappeared. Also as a result of the cut, we get the impression that Gohan doesn't seem all that concerned about where his father is, which is kind of odd, and the problem is worsened by the next cut.
(1 min. 20 sec.) This really shouldn't have been cut, it contains some very important dialogue that went untranslated and unexplained.
Piccolo is trying to get Gohan to calm down, and he finally tells him that his father is dead. Gohan is stunned, but Piccolo softens the blow a bit by telling him that he will be wished back with the Dragon Balls, and that Gohan will see him in one year. Until then, he and Piccolo will be training. This basically outlines the whole situation, and is an important and dramatic moment. In the English version, Piccolo does not tell Gohan what happened, which kind of screws things up. Gohan just seems to "know," even though he was never told.
And it's not just these two cuts that have the subtle effect of making the viewer feel much less sympathy for Gohan in the English version. Throughout these episodes, Masako Nozawa's performance of Gohan elicits a LOT more pity than Saffron Henderson's. You really feel for the guy, he cries a lot more about the whole situation, and seems so much more helpless. Saffron's "tough kid" performance, as well as the snippets here and there, make him seem less human somehow. The music has a lot to do with it too, the Japanese score can bring a tear to your eye every now and then, and it really touches you at a much deeper level than that superficial crap they replaced it with.
End English episode 4
64% |