This episode makes up the second half of the "lost" English episode 10, and contains the "offensive material" that got it canned in the first place.
You see, the plot revolves around orphans who are showing disrespect to authority, and according to some moron somewhere, such a thing cannot be shown on North American TV, since it sets a "bad example" for children. So basically it's the good old-fasioned American solution to anything that is deemed unsuitable for kids: simply pretend that it doesn't exist. Let's not be honest with our children about things like violence and sex and (in this case) juvenile delinquency. Let's just sweep it under the rug and hope that they don't discover it for themselves. Yeah, great solution, America.
I don't know about the rest of you, but when I consider the circumstances and rationale that led to this episode being trashed, I have one of those cathartic moments where I am utterly disgusted with this twisted society and its incomprehensible values.
Well (ahem) but I digress. Anyway, once again, I haven't seen English episode 10, (which this Japanese episode is the second half of) so I can't report on the cuts, censors, etc. But if I see it at some point, I will.
**UPDATE, August 1st, '99**
Alright, basically the same deal as Ep. 15 (which I'm assuming you just read). Cartoon Network finally showed it, I have it, blah blah blah. Only difference here is that I actually have the Japanese version of this episode. So what's the hold up? Just good old fashioned laziness in this case.